Dr. Debbye Turner Bell
Author | Corporate Trainer & Consultant | Speaker | Veterinarian | Minister | Miss America 1990
Powerful Communication
Seminar Description: Effective communication can impress people, but powerful communication can move people to action. This course identifies the elements of powerful communication and teaches the participants how to harness and utilize their own individual skills to become a communicator that persuades, inspires, and transforms. The course will be highly interactive with group exercises, skills assessment, demonstrations, critiquing and opportunity for on-site application.
This course is designed to be a full day training with two 15-minute breaks and a one hour lunch break. (Length and content can be customized for individualized needs)
The components of powerful communication session
The components of power communication
Identify the elements of powerful communication
Assess your current communication skills
Powerful communication requires real connection
Connect not just communicate
Being more relatable
Gaining and building credibility
Excel at listening
Define and hone active listening skills
Hear what is not being said
Define and hone active listening skills
Hear what is not being said
Crafting a powerful message
Understanding and identifying your target audience
How to “story arc” your message
Choose the most effective words to boost the power of your message
The power of storytelling, illustrations, and demonstration
Identifying and avoiding common pitfalls in crafting your message
Delivering your message
Wow them in the first 20 seconds
What you say without saying a word (nonverbal communication)
How to get over anxiety and nervousness